TroubleShoot / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is it better than port knocking

Yes, this method is considered as a two-factor pre-authentication, one of the most secure way to protect a service. Without pre-authentication the attacker unable to send a single byte to the service. This protect against exploits that is do not need authentication.

Is it exploit proof?

Well everything could be exploited if there is a buffer overflow flaw in the code. We using LLVM high level api on our framework to make it safe, so should be very hard to be exploited. Also we implemented a service guardian and every network related code running unprivileged. Also we added a lot of high quality protection, like stack and frame protectors, Denial Of Service prevention and so on.

Why I see multiple running processes on Linux and FreeBSD?

It is because the software running a service guardian and an unprivileged child process. These processes also has more threads launched.

One of the process is still running as root

Due in fact the software has a guardian process which monitoring the worker process, kill or restart if necessary.

Does it sending usage statistics?

Yes. To be fair we only get error reporting and initial info such as hostname, OS version, License status.

Configuration File


; Configuration File

        date_format = %Y/%m/%d  ; Date format, using C-API strftime()
        setuid_user = nobody    ; Unprivileged daemon user, should not be `root` but there is no restriction, you are the owner above the system
        time_format = %H:%M:%S  ; Time format, using C-API strftime()
        version = v32           ; Config File Version

        dns_server_ip =       ; DNS Server IP to be use name resolution, discarding the system ones
        enable = no                   ; Enable this Auth Type (yes/no)
        zone_1 = personal.dyndns.tld  ; DNS Zone (A) & (AAAA) to be fetch when connection received, the software determines the right record type
        zone_2 = personal2.dyndns.tld  
        ; you can define maximum 100 zones with prefixing it with (_) underscore.

        enable = no
        url = https://auth.realm.server.tld/?IP=$IP
        verfyTLS = yes

proxy_1 ; You can define maximum 100 proxy group with prefixing it with (_) underscore.
        auth_target =  ; Authenticated Target
        unauth_target = disable     ; UnAuthenticated Target disabled, connection will refused

        auto_blacklist_sec = 600    ; Too many connections and or any harmful behavior welcomed on x seconds blacklist
        enable = no                 ; Enable this Auth Type (yes/no)
        idle_timeout_ms = 60000     ; Connection will reset when idling x amount of millisecond (zero packets)
        ipv4_listen =       ; IPv4 Listen address, empty to disable
        ipv6_listen = ::            ; IPv4 Listen address, empty to disable
        max_connections_per_ip = 50 ; Max allowed connection from a single IP address
        port = 1234                 ; TCP Port listetning on

proxy_2 ; This redirects all HTTP traffic to internal web_auth before authentication, then pass it through the local webserver
    auth_target =      ; Authenticated Target
    unauth_target = web_auth          ; UnAuthenticated Target, it will redirect to IP:PORT defined in web_auth section

    auto_blacklist_sec = 600    ; Too many connections and or any harmful behavior welcomed on x seconds blacklist
    enable = no                 ; Enable this Auth Type (yes/no)
    idle_timeout_ms = 60000     ; Connection will reset when idling x amount of millisecond (zero packets)
    ipv4_listen =       ; IPv4 Listen address, empty to disable
    ipv6_listen = ::            ; IPv4 Listen address, empty to disable
    max_connections_per_ip = 50 ; Max allowed connection from a single IP address
    port = 80                   ; TCP Port listetning on

proxy_3 ; This redirects all HTTPS traffic to external server before authentication, then pass it through the authenticated webserver
    auth_target = private.webserver.tld:443    ; Authenticated Target
    unauth_target = public.webserver.tld:443   ; UnAuthenticated Target, it will redirect to IP:PORT defined in web_auth section

    auto_blacklist_sec = 600    ; Too many connections and or any harmful behavior welcomed on x seconds blacklist
    enable = no                 ; Enable this Auth Type (yes/no)
    idle_timeout_ms = 60000     ; Connection will reset when idling x amount of millisecond (zero packets)
    ipv4_listen =       ; IPv4 Listen address, empty to disable
    ipv6_listen = ::            ; IPv4 Listen address, empty to disable
    max_connections_per_ip = 50 ; Max allowed connection from a single IP address
    port = 443                  ; TCP Port listetning on

proxy_4 ; This redirects all HTTPS (TLS) traffic to a single HTTP nonTLS session, so it adds TLS session to an unencrypted channel
    auth_target = ; nonTLS target
    auto_blacklist_sec = 600
    enable = no
    idle_timeout_ms = 60000
    ipv4_listen =
    ipv6_listen = ::
    max_connections_per_ip = 50
    port = 443
    ssl_cert = ssl/cert.pem    ; SSL Certificate (.crt, .pem) realtive or absolute path
    ssl_chain = ssl/chain.pem  ; SSL Full-Chain (.crt, .pem) realtive or absolute path
    ssl_key = ssl/pkey.pem     ; SSL Private-Key password does not supported
    unauth_target = web_auth
    use_ssl = yes ; Froce TLS/SSL

        api_key = DBE4A775C1509CEAA36A8404C8F227108D74EF0722446E184EF43AABB2135AF0  ; Unused, future proof, dont dispose
        secret = E259D52C84A5B619164C5302C3B30BCCDE938A12BC102F3C521040698845FC42   ; Unused, future proof, dont dispose

        enable = no    ; Enable this Auth Type (yes/no)
        file = ips.txt ; Textfile realtive or absolute location that list all valid IP addresses in new line

trackit_global_auth ; This is for our enterprise users
        enable = no
        trackit_api_url =    

trackit_prefix_auth ; This is for our enterprise users
        enable = no
        trackit_api_url =     

        auto_blacklist_sec = 600      ; Too many connections and or any harmful behavior welcomed on x seconds blacklist
        enable = no                   ; Enable this Auth Type (yes/no)
        force_ssl = no                ; Force to HTTPS connection
        ipv4_listen =         ; IPv4 Address to listen on, empty to disable
        ipv6_listen = ::              ; IPv4 Address to listen on, empty to disable

        ; Language Section Begin
        lang_access_denied = Access is denied                      
        lang_login_success = Login Accepted
        lang_login_text = Secure Login
        lang_login_text_auth = Your token is valid until [EXPDATE]
        lang_login_text_unauth = Please authorize yourself
        lang_password_text = Enter Password
        ; Language Section End

        max_connections_per_ip = 50 ; maximum connection from single IP address
        password = SIcK7zIQ         ; Plaintext Password for access
        port = 8080                 ; Webserver Port number
        session_duration_min = 15   ; After a success login IP address will be valid for x amount of minutes.
        ssl_cert = ssl/cert.pem     ; SSL Certificate (.crt, .pem) realtive or absolute path
        ssl_chain = ssl/chain.pem   ; SSL Full-Chain (.crt, .pem) realtive or absolute path
        ssl_key = ssl/pkey.pem      ; SSL Private-Key password does not supported
        use_ssl = yes               ; Enable TLS/SSL